US and Japan pals
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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

Check this out!!!

Lusts 2010

New Zealand.
South America.


Christmas Island.

Nikoi Island.
Lombok Gilis.

Pulau Rawa.
Pulau Pemanggil.
Sibu Island.
Kota Kinabalu.

Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
Facial regimen set.
UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
Remove all keloids on me.


Mr Ng
Sandie WeiFen
Lai Yi

Pass it On!
Riverkids Project
ASIAN GEOgraphic
Stanley William Moore
The Bitter Stickgirl

Of Yesterday
My Lousy Chinese
Feeling sian of work again...
Bad Mood!
Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End
Blogging during office hours =P
Summary of the week before 21May07
Summary of past intern days
1st wkend after starting intern!
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Highlights of the week!

2 June 07 Working at PC show

Worked for o2 at the PC show from 2-6pm! Quite dumb job! Kept blowing bubble (to create heavenly effect cos we r angels!)and walking around doing surveys! It feels totally like NUS open house when I was doing PR for FOP. Haha I remembered 'forcing' everyone on duty to wear our self-made 'wings'(made from cardboard coated with white paint, tied with elastic band and strengthened with CHOPSTICKS! cos if not the wing will be bent! Ahaha hello can u pls dun luff? ShuNing, Ernest and me spend a lot of effort doing k!)

My foot was damn painful la... although I only stood for 4hrs. Can't imagine how I manage to do it in the past(when I was working as promoter)whereby I had to stand for 10hours! Power rite?

Me & my sis...

Haha I asked Kay to go work also but she cldn't make it at the last min for briefing. At first I thot tt $10 per hr is ok then for 4hrs at least can get $40 but aft feeling so tired from wrk, I tink it's not quite worth it. But still can earn some extra cash! =)

1 June 07 Going to M'sia

Haha I took a day off work to go to Malaysia! Oh actually cos I went to see the doc in the morning also so might as well rest fro the whole day! =P Went with my sis and her bf so 4 of us can share a cab, more worth it =) and they often go to jb for movies, shopping and dinner! I was damn excited about the seafood that we are gonna eat!

This coconut jelly was given to us free after we paid our dinner bill! Haha smart gimmick to make us happy and frequent them in future! Their large drink is really large k! The mug measures about 30cm! End up we cldn't finish and haf to "da bao". Guess wad? the pkt was so full that it looks like we haf purchased a new bag of drink!

Look at this...(only part of the dishes we ordered)

OMG! The crayfish is ultra yummy!

Within 1 hour, the four of us turned all the dishes into

Anyone interested for Makan Outing let me know k! I'm most willing to organize one! >_< Hohoho tinking of it makes me so excited already! The chilli crab with fried bun =P

CitySquare, the hippy singapore-like shopping centre was having a shoe sale so I bought a pair of white heels for myself! It was also for work the next day cos they require us to wear white heels and I realised I don't own any!

Opps WanPing Sorry din go look for u cos it was quite last min decision to go jb and I din wanna trouble u since my sis noes the way! Anyway, I wanna go agn soon! So dun miss me k!

31 May 07 Watching Pride, My Black Hair, Briefing, Ate at Coffee Bean

I had always enjoyed watching Japanese drama serials. They are like one of the BEST dramas in the world la! Ok not all are very nice but "PRIDE" DEFINITELY is!!!!!!! It is damn nice can!

The story line is good, the plot is good, the actors are good, everything is perfect!

Pretty female lead...

She's damn sweet and pretty man!

Handsome Male lead...

He's a god damn heart-throb!

Team Spirits among the ice hockey players...

I always enjoy seeing team spirits! It's a very special kind of bonding that only the people within can experience. It is this 'intangible spirit' that gives an identity to a team and create a sense of belonging for every individual in that group. How can I explain that?

Just look at this!

Of course a good coach is needed too! To give guidance and discipline...

And jizmine cried and cried so much for the stupid show cos some parts are so touching =(

This part I really really cried like hell, used 4 pieces of tissue can? 4 pieces just for this 5mins scene! Cos it's sooooo sad! Finally Halu falls in love, finds someone he loves and decided not to treat love as a game anymore! I love the part he says "GAME OVER!" Woah so shuai! Nearly melted...

BUT life always isn't wad we wan it to be... Aki walked right pass Halu, sobbing like mad, to infront of her "so-called-boyfriend" whom she have waited for 2 years.

I felt so sad for this 2 lovebirds Halu(nearly typed Hula! Ahahaa) and Aki. That's one good thing I like about Japanese drama! They always protray the reality and dun gif fairy-tale shit but yet at the same time give audience the space to imagine a fairy-tale like story!

This part is quite sad too! Both of them loved each other but no one wans to voice it out for the benefit of each other!

In all, the show is ultra nice! Really! Anyone who has japanese drama serial pls pls pls lend it to me k! I promise I will return it! Haha =D I have 2 titles also! Can borrow from me if you wan!

Other than watching dramas, I did something to change my appearance too! TADANG.... Coloured my hair black! It's more obvious in the angel pic jus now cos tis one tied up! Haha =D Wasn't very use to it initially cos looks very odd. Seem quite ok now! Can do a bit of gothic look if i tie my hair the rite way! ahaha =P

I went for a "short"(which they claim to be but end up to be 1.5hrs) briefing for tt "angel" job with my sis. We were feeling tired and needed some retail therapy so decided to head down town!

On the bus to orchard...

Haiz...Disappointingly, we couldn't find anything suitable to buy so we went to coffeebean to indulge in FOOD! =D haha how greedy but i dun care!

the barista there tempted me to buy the raspberry cheesecake la! he said they are not gonna sell that flavour anymore cos they're gonna change the menu! Hmph but luckily it's very nice =) Haha the spinach and mushroom pie is nice too!

30 May 07 Stuck in Rain

It's so dumb! I've decided to see the ear specialist whom cured my right ear and have arranged for Hock to pick me up at 8.30am today but the doctor is NOT AT THE CLINIC TODAY! luckily i called before going down if not wasted trip. My ear was hurting but no choice =(

Anw since Hocky is here, he decided to fetch me to work but...

It rained =( =( =( we had to seek shelter under the overhead bridge at the highway! So miserable and I was very late for work. Haiz...

29 May 07 Attitude & Deaf

I'm in really bad mood cos my 'aunty' came the day before and my left ear can't hear! I was really god damn tired and moody and can't even wake up in time for work! So I decided to be attitude and do bombastic make up and tie my hair, which resulted in this:

28 May 07 Addicted to Honey Biscuit

I am SOOOO in love with U!U!U!
I went down to chinatown all the way from my workplace at HabourFront just to see u!
I sooooo can't resist myself to think of u for the whole of today!
I hope tt u will still be ard when I reach chinatown!

U HONEY BISCUIT! y muz u be so tasty? I totally am addicted to u! I have craving for u for the whole of today although I have just eaten so many of u for the past week! I dun care! I'm gonna buy more of u to stock up at home!

This honey biscuit is the the best that I have ever eaten k! Although u can get it from any confectionary shop, only this stall in chinatown sells those that's made of real honey and fried using cooking oil. Others make use of sugar and pig's oil so aft u eat it u feel like ur tongue and ur throat is coated with oil. This special one make u crave for more after ur first bite!