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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

Check this out!!!

Lusts 2010

New Zealand.
South America.


Christmas Island.

Nikoi Island.
Lombok Gilis.

Pulau Rawa.
Pulau Pemanggil.
Sibu Island.
Kota Kinabalu.

Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
Facial regimen set.
UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
Remove all keloids on me.


Mr Ng
Sandie WeiFen
Lai Yi

Pass it On!
Riverkids Project
ASIAN GEOgraphic
Stanley William Moore
The Bitter Stickgirl

Of Yesterday
Blogging during office hours =P
Summary of the week before 21May07
Summary of past intern days
1st wkend after starting intern!
1st day of internship @ CEMS
What have I been doing b4 i officially start inter...
Why these slipshod presents?
Exams over!
In the midst of exam!
Did an online test
May 2006
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End

Haha blogging during office hours again! Who cares?

The movie "Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End" was a disappointing show. Although it's close to 3hrs long and according to the GV ticket vendor is "very worth watching cos it's very long, longer than Spiderman" (ok wad he meant was tt pirates's film is very long in short) No doubt it's "long". But wad's the Worth? $8.50 to enjoy aircon? sit on a not-very-comfortable seat? watching stupid pirates with the same costumes over and over again? watching fights which are recycled from the 1st and 2nd prequel? Anyhow, except for some comedy, I just felt that the whole movie is a waste of time and I felt like sleeping on many occasions.

They lost it all, maybe that's why it's call "At World's End". I tink they had better end it if there's not gonna be a better plot to the storyline.

It doesn't help that before the movie, I had dinner at a lousy resturant which serves food that's equivalent, if not worst than the mui fan(white rice with seafood and starchy gravy) from the coffeeshop downstairs my home. I'm serious! Their bake rice is no different from white rice!

I'm too disgusted to take pictures of the food they serve! Although the surrounding scenery is nice, NEVER ever go to The Mussel Guys in ViVoCity unless u've really got no whr to go and everywhr is packed and u r god damn hungry tt u'll faint if u dun haf nutrients intake within the nx min. It sucks! TOTALLY! I went to search online for the shop name cos I forgot what was it and I really nd it to warn others! Guess wad? All their reviews were bad! Bad! BAD!

And it's ex too! $16.50 for an atrocious miserable plate of bake rice, a cup of tea(those tt hotels serve their guest for free), soup-of-e-day(lobster favour which tasted an overdosed of MSG) with a pathetic piece of hard-like-rock garlic bread, a single mini scoop of "brandless" ice-cream (similar to what the ice-cream uncle with the "ring ring "bell can gif me at 3 scoops with a cone for 50cents). Yah tt's it! To tink they dare put Ben&Jerry's title in their menu making me think that they were serving Ben&Jerry's ice-cream! FOR GODDNESS sake! Take it off the menu if u all are no longer serving them and haf decided to import from another low-class brand!

I regretted not eating Gloria Jeans' salad... It's so nice...And so much cheaper and better...

actually after some thots, I dun feel like gg for tis yr's arts camp... Dun feel needed for the camp. Seems like i'm giving them pressure to take me in to help them out... U noe? It's the kind of feeling of forcing urself on somebody and tt person doesn't know how to reject u and keeps mum.

I guess it can also be seen as not being appreciated? I always think that my brother is such a person and I quarelled with him recently over it! He's someone who doesn't show appreciation after being helped by others. It's bad. Eventually noobody will help u anymore bcos they dun feel appreciated. That was what I was trying to explain to him and that bcos we are a family tt's y we r not calculative abt it. As for others, they may also not mind initially, but after some time, they will start to question themselves why are they sacrificing for an unappreciative person...or whether their efforts are regconized anot...

The worst part is that he retaliated and sorta "scolded" me with other irrelevant stuff which fucking pissed me off! I quarrelled with him in front of all my relatives during my cousin's weding la! How unglam! I'm so nicely dressed up! But i thot i muz speak my mind and not always let him tink tt he's right!

On the other hand, me myself did just wad i've scolded with my brother about ---Being very unappreciative! Guess I was really tired last night... I shurgged my mother off when she asked me a qn and I shot back at her even though it was very very unncessary. Felt very bad... it was just a simple qn which will take me no more than 10mins to answer but I have chose to hurt my mother instead =(

As usual, PRIDE in the top priority, I din apologise. Sometimes i tink one shd not be too prideful... Saying a "thank u" or "sorry" doesn't kill...

I'm working on it still...