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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

Check this out!!!

Lusts 2010

New Zealand.
South America.


Christmas Island.

Nikoi Island.
Lombok Gilis.

Pulau Rawa.
Pulau Pemanggil.
Sibu Island.
Kota Kinabalu.

Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
Facial regimen set.
UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
Remove all keloids on me.


Mr Ng
Sandie WeiFen
Lai Yi

Pass it On!
Riverkids Project
ASIAN GEOgraphic
Stanley William Moore
The Bitter Stickgirl

Of Yesterday
In the midst of exam!
Did an online test
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Exams over!

Ohh~ Finally! Exams are over! Although I know that I need to consider which Science GEM to take next semester (bcos I'm so gonna fail Heavenly Maths!), I'm still happy =) I swear I did put in the effort to study for it even though it's quite last minute but I still tried my best BUT the questions were really difficult to comprehend! I'm serious!

Anyway, with the once-again-found freedom way b4 the fact tt may others did *grinz*, I met up with my best friend since primary school, Siew Kia, on Sunday to celebrate her belated 21st b'day (only one day heh!). Haha bought her a Gmask voucher so that she can 'dress-up' her W810i. Look at how engross the lady is, in doing her job:

Anyway, I was too hungry that I forgot to take a photo of her 'masked-up' phone and went straight to Din Tai Fung for late lunch after that. We ordered Siew's all-time favourite: Dan dan Mian plus xiao long bao and fried rice! All of them were super delicious! =P

After which we went to Haagen-Dazs for FONDUE!!!!!! Oh my! Look at this:

I'm not really sure why but we felt quite sick of it after a few bites, so we da bao cos we were rushing for our movie --- The letters from death.

Hmmm, it's quite an eerie show with one ultra hilarous part from the post-office security guard. Anyway, this show is about a cursed letter posted to everyone who was previously from a primary six class. All of them are now already working adults. The letter has a fill-in-the-blank and plays hangman whereby the receipient has to write down the full name of the sender and forward the letter to 29 other people in order to survive. Else one stroke of hangman will be appear on the letter miraculously whenever someone who received that letter before you dies! And if the whole hangman is visible implies you will be dying next.

It was sent from a boy who was previously unpopular in class as he was a new transfer and a nerdy plump boy. He only had one very close friend in class. The very sad part was that he became paralysed after he fell down the stairs and it was one of his classmates who tripped him on purpose. None of the students owned up to the teacher and no one was punished. Nobody ever see him again after that fall. Little did they know what a miserable life he had lived after the fall.
The truth was later revealed at the end of the movie as to who had suggested to trip him! To my surprise it was that only close friend of his in class, Seri! It was because this nerdy boy didn't allow Seri to copy his answers during examination so Seri decided to join the class to bully him!

Morale of the story:

Do not bully others just because they are in a more disadvantaged situation than you! Instead, show them the respect they deserve and treat them as nicely as you treat everyone! You'll never know if one day he/she were to take revenge on you! Or be of a great help to u!

And the worst is to join in others to bully the weak! Have your own opinion will you? Don't just follow the crowd blindly please!
Anyway, I got myself a pair of heels from Ice Lemon Tee. It was really a good buy! And it looks lady-like =)

After that both of us suddenly had the urge to sing so we headed to Toa Payoh's Kbox! We were damn lucky cos Siew Kia is a member hence we're only charged for titbits plus one drink each! We sang all the way from 10pm to 12.30am la! Woah! Felt Super destress-ed after that!

A fufilling day indeed =)