US and Japan pals
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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

Check this out!!!

Lusts 2010

New Zealand.
South America.


Christmas Island.

Nikoi Island.
Lombok Gilis.

Pulau Rawa.
Pulau Pemanggil.
Sibu Island.
Kota Kinabalu.

Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
Facial regimen set.
UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
Remove all keloids on me.


Mr Ng
Sandie WeiFen
Lai Yi

Pass it On!
Riverkids Project
ASIAN GEOgraphic
Stanley William Moore
The Bitter Stickgirl

Of Yesterday
1st day of internship @ CEMS
What have I been doing b4 i officially start inter...
Why these slipshod presents?
Exams over!
In the midst of exam!
Did an online test
A brief update
May 2006
June 2006
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
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July 2008
August 2008
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Saturday, May 12, 2007

1st wkend after starting intern!

Just got home with a nice sun-kissed body! Yeah~ was at sentosa this morning (afternoon actually) with Stacy and Linda for a long-overdue tanning session!

By the time we were ready to tan (due to Linda insisting on eating Seah Inn's Carrot Cake), it was already noon time. I could only tan for an hour plus cos the sun was scorching my skin and I figured that I will be burnt if i'm too ambitious! Stacy couldn't take it and seeked (Ang SEEK-ee =P ahaha no link )shelter after tanning for only like 30 mins! Linda badly wanted to look "bangla" so she tanned alone for 20mins more while I joined Stacy under the coconut tree! How romantic -_-|||

We took a tram back to Vivo and decided to have a drink at Pacific Coffee Company. Coincidentally, all 3 of us was deciding on Strawberry Banana Chilly! Great BIMBOs think alike! In the end we shared a mega-size one (actually quite normal size) and it tasted really good! But it's quite ex though @$7.50.

Linda went to meet her sis and Stacy was complaining that she was very hungry but couldn't eat cos of the ultra big ulcer at the corner of her mouth. So I accompanied her to Sakae. I hated all the food there and felt like puking man! Gross quality of what they call sushi? Ok fine, I used to think that sushi tasted tt way because that was my only point of contact with sushi! Not anymore! Not until I went to Akashi and tasted REAL sushi! ROCKZ man!

Feel unsatisfied, I suggested that we go to bugis for MANGO SAGO! WOO HOO~ since stacy biked down today!

It has always fail to disappoint me everytime I go there! The mango sago juz rockz big time! I will recommend it to anyone who LOVES mangoes! Even to those who dun! After trying this, u'll love it! Even stacy is impressed!

Hence, I gave it the most prestigious award that one can ever receive from ME-the-Great! - Jizmine's Beautiful Hand *thumbs up*

After which I begged Stacy to send me home cos I was too lazy to take public transport. We were maneuvering ard bugis on Stacy's bike cos she wasn't familiar with the way to my house plus it doesn't help that I kept giving her wrong directions and guess wad?

At one of the traffic lights where stacy stopped, Hocky appeared! Ahahaha he was crossing the road to go to bugis village to get some souvenirs and it was really funny! All 3 of us were laughing like crazy in the middle of the road! Bcos it's so coincidental!

I was jus telling stacy tt "Erm Hock usu travels by this way to my home" and *TaDanG* he appeared rite in front of us! Haha here is a small re-enactment of what took place after tt:

Stace: *bimbo stacy waved frantically at hock*
"Send her home! Send her home!"

Hock: "I don't have helmet"

Stace: "Neh" *referring to her extra helmet which I'm wearing rite thr and then*

*Jiz still giggling and waving in her own lalaland*

Hock: "Okok"

Jiz: "My bag! In ur box! How?"

Stace: "AHH~~" *dunno wad to do with the bunched-up keys inserted into the engine starter* "AHH~"

*Traffic light turning green in fews secs time i.e. stacy's bike haf to move off!*

OH MY THIS PART i tell u! Is really funny! Stacy rode her bike across the road as if me, her and the bike (as one whole body) is a pedestrain! And she parked at the side of the road to alight me and get my bag from her bike box! Luckily there was no car at the left-most lane but a bus was approaching and OH MY this is funny part no.2, she rode off straight across the junction when tt lane is suppose to be a turn left lane *perspires*

Ahaha now comes the last funny part of the day. Hock was sending me home on his bike and suddenly, he pointed somewhr and said "Ur fren. the NUSSU one from hall! She's wearing NUM green top!"

"Oh...The one tt looks like Linda?"

"Yah~ COme to tink of it abit hor~"

*Smart jizmine ponders: Isn't Linda wearing NUM green top today?*

"Is she wearing white shorts?"

"Yah yah"

"AIYA~~~~~~~ IT'S LINDA LA!"

This is super hilarous, why does everyone think that they look alike? Even though Hock knows Linda better and have seen her quite a few times, he still surprisingly says that the girl he saw is Michelle! BUT the thing is that, the person he saw was Linda! AHaHaHa