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Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I am really surprised...

I meant to keep this as a really private blog, to update a few close frens of wad has been taking place in my life. Cos they always complain that they dunno what happen to me...

Haf nv expected my nasty comments to cause such a backlash...

Everyone knows that a blog is like a diary, understand that it is public and is aware that anyone is free to read it.

Everyone knows that one shd be responsible for their words and not say hurtful remarks and regret only ltr.

Everyone knows that when one is in bad mood, he/she will say mean things out of a moment of anger and he/she doesn't really mean it.

You know you can't do something/ make a decision to please everyone and so do I. My words can't please everyone. Some people many agree with me, some gets upset while some are angry but that shdn't refrain one from penning their thots down rite?

Everyone and I really mean everyone, will at least have evil/mean/nasty/negative comments/thoughts/remarks about something but it's just that it wasn't mentioned/told/recorded! Does it make them nice?

Don't you think it's better that somebody shares how he/she feels in whichever way he/she is comfortable with than to juz bitch to someone and start a rumour?

Will it make me seem nicer if I hadn't rattled?

At least I am frank and I dare to write it down in my own blog space for people who care enough to read it to understand how I feel.

If i am arrowing someone, be sure to see the fellow's name! Else, don't be oversensitive k! I am looking at the issue as a whole...

To Jeremy whom i noe haf thot tt i was referring to u:
my words were nv meant to criticise how u do things but a general thot of how things cld haf been done better. furthermore, the idea of interviews didn't start from u! it has been on since dunno when...pls dun be affected and gimmi a call if u care to! I'm cool, hope u r too! =)
p/s: I plucked up a lot of courage to gif u tt miss call ok? my heart was beating damn fast when i called and i was contemplating whether to call u or not for like half an hr la! Cos i dunno wad to say to u! It's damn weird!

To those who thot I was referring to them:
I'm sorry but u'r not the centre of attention here! =P But anyhow don't take it to heart k! Jus treat it as a ger who was in really bad mood, pms-ing and fagged out from work speaking her mind in the most vulgar way that she cld ever haf done it!

On the final note, I saved 1 person from tinking that I was criticising her. Haha and tt was xin yu! I told her abt how mean my entry was, ask her to go read it and explain to her my true feelings and intentions. Although she is a little upset by my nasty-ness at that point of time tt i wrote tt entry, she was still forgiving la. Luckily I let her know abt it 1st. Imagine if she had heard from someone... it will be more complicated!