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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

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Lusts 2010

New Zealand.
South America.


Christmas Island.

Nikoi Island.
Lombok Gilis.

Pulau Rawa.
Pulau Pemanggil.
Sibu Island.
Kota Kinabalu.

Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
Facial regimen set.
UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
Remove all keloids on me.


Mr Ng
Sandie WeiFen
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Pass it On!
Riverkids Project
ASIAN GEOgraphic
Stanley William Moore
The Bitter Stickgirl

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Saturday, June 02, 2007


A long overdue post...

28 May 2007 --- Our 1 year anniversary

It's has been one year already (that's really fast!). Thank you for loving me, n_n for the happy times (although sometimes unhappy) we have spent together.

*On another note,
thank -u- for introducing him to me, it's been a year that we are together. If it had really been -ur- wish that we get together, -ur- wish has been fulfilled. I have made -ur- efforts worthwhile.
thank -u- for bringing me to Arts Club, it's been an invaluable experience.
from the bottom of my heart*

Hock picked me up at 5pm and our 1st stop was - - - Funan IT Mall!
No prize for guessing!!! Tt was the place we arrange to meet on our 1st date! Haha cos I was working part-time as a dopod promoter at the harvey norman branch there. I can still remember it was x'mas eve 24dec2005. The pay was quite good I remembered cos it was PH pay: $80 per day from 12noon to 6pm only and for every set that I can sell + $5, something like bonus. Haha I think I sold 2 sets. Not bad considering that was my 1st day and my 1st time touching a PDA phone! Come to think of it, I am quite brillant to be able to sell something which I have no prior knowledge of! Plus u muz really haf the guts and daring enough to sell k!

Anyway, I was suppose to accompany Hocky to buy his 1st ever mobile phone with camera, video recording and mp3 =D I remembered he was still using his N6100. Haha and you know wad? It wasn't even worth any $ to trade in cos
1)the condition of the phone was bad- very very old,
2)the screen cracked
3) the casing was fake! U noe those from pasar malam and worst, there were cracks all over and discolored
if not for me, he would haf to pay m1 to dump his phone away for him! ahaha

It was really a amusing purchase trip with him bcos for me, i've been working in the mobile line for close to 1 yr at tt time and I have played with almost all the phones in the market except for Vertu. Duh! My knowledge of mobile phone was so good that it's a "u name it, i noe it" thing. All the phone functions and features, pros and cons of a phone model, phone prices with contract or w/o are all at my fingertips! Woah, looking back, I can't believe I am actually that good(cos my memory has always been lousy)!

Coming back to dear Hocky haha =D Firstly! He was 1hour late for our 1st date!O---My---GOD! Pls guys, NV ever ever commit tt mistake k!Even if u always haf the habit to be late. Just for tt one time, for the love of urself, BE PUNCTUAL! Impress tt ger for jus tis time 1st then show ur true colours aft u get her yeah? (cunning trick indeed *snigger*) Ok and Dear Hocky still has the cheeks to "negotiate" his lateness! >=(

We are suppose to meet at 6pm but he arrives at 6.55pm...
Hock: Sorry sorry!
Angry Jiz: U r 1 hour late!
Hock: *Looks at watch* Ehh actually I'm 55mins late but rite actually i'm only 40mins late wan cos i reach here at 6.40 like tt but I was parking my bike so take some time... And actually I din mean to come late wan, it's cos i was copying all the numbers down on a paper so that later I change phone I wun lose them. I ask my brother to help me also but din noe it will take so long...

Hello! GUYS! Once u'r late, u'r late, it doesn't matter whether u are 55mins late or 1hour late! TO girls, they are the same, any range from 31-59mins = 1 HOUR! N they dun care if u r parking ur bike or parking ur plane, if u are not ready to meet them, U R LATE!

But I was too amused to be angry at him cos the part he said about copying down the contacts, I burst out laughing! Why can't he just use SIM card to transfer them? I guess he din noe tt can be done. Anyway, tt was my 1st laugh!

2nd laugh was that when we were at the m1 shop, I took a queue no and suggested that we go for dinner 1st cos it was very crowded. Hocky was a very worried that he will miss his queue and need to re-queue. Ahaha I pulled him away and told him "Aiya no worries, I noe the pple here. Take queue no. is just a form of courtesy only like 'action' a bit so that others wun tink tt we 'cut' queue. We can jus sit down at the counter anytime we wan when we come back!" Hock's suprised look made me burst out laughing!

Haha I realised tt having 'connections' really helps alot! Just recently, I purchased my current SE phone k618i from the same m1 shop@ bugis. My fren needed a line and I needed a phone so we collaborated =) (of course I din cheat him la! I told him to use my plan to get himself a phone when it's due for upgrade end of this yr!) We went in and straightaway sit down at one of the counters inspite of the long queue and crowded shop! Also we were served for ultra long cos I cldn't decide which phone to buy and the staff(also my fren) took out alot of models for me to play around wif. Haha my fren said he felt like a VIP given preferential treatment! He too, like Hock, was shocked at my 'efficiency'. I ended up with my current phone and was even rewarded with freebis! Haha how aunty but the staff granted me more than wad I asked for! Very nice rite?

Digressing again =P Haha initially the staff din wan to take Hock's old phone for trade in and offered only $10! WAD(^%&^%*( HUH! So the m1 guy suggested that we go to bugis street to buy a new casing which will cost less than $10 and he be able to offer a trade-in price of max $50 aft tt(may nd to deduct for cracked screen or sth). Which means we will still gain $40. In the end, he chked wid the manager and said it was alrite, he will just offset $50 for us cos...... ME! Haha he say aiya nvm la fren mah ! YEah =) Jizmine feeling very happy at that time cos save the hassle of buying and such.

I was really amused by Hock's behaviour at tt time cos he was jus like a small kid eager to receive his new toy! I will nv forget this priceless sentence he said after the m1 staff handover his new phone to him: "Wah! u see! can change to video wan leh!" AHAHAHAHHAHAHA.......the 1st thing he did was to try out the camera. He scrolled to the nx tab and realised that it became video mode =D Btw, he chose SE k700i. At tt time, it was the best value-for-$ phone with the all functions tt a phone can haf. $98 wid a contract minus $50 trade-in = Hock pays $48. He was very pleased wid himself at tt time. I could tell =P

So tt's the story of our 1st date at Funan.

Hock sorta prepared a 'game' called "A walk down memory lane..." to visit places that we've been to before. I will need to solve the riddles that he gave so that we can proceed to the nx stop. The whole journey brought back a lot of memories...

By evening time, we were both tired and hungry and decided to eat at

Ichiban Boshi! @ Suntec basement. It is a nice place and the food is not ex. Pricing is similar to SakaeSushi but they haf a lot more variety! Do I have something against Sakae? Haha I jus seem to dislike it! Even the green tea is more frangrant then Sakae and the tea cup is nicer! The mochi is cheap too! 1 box for only $3! But it taste normal.

We ordered unagi sandwich, tempura handroll and the japanese paper 'mini wok' which I can't rem the name.

The unagi sandwich is very nice! But the handroll is really disappointing! The rice is too sticky and lumpy and I dun taste any vinegar in the rice. The mini wok quite good! Comparable to Sushi Teh's standard.

Another good thing about Ichiban Boshi is that their soy sauce is really nice! It is not those low-class ones tt Sakae gives. It's thicker and sweeter, taste a little like the sweet sauce but it's saltish! Ahaha go imagine the taste urself!

I love Unagi sandwiches.... The mix of the 2 that we usually eat seperately taste really nice when served together!

Look at the variety of food they offer...

Even Xiao Xiao Stitch is spoilt for choice!

Umm Umm!!!

Haha anw, I taught Hock how to pose nicely for pictures. U noe how u haf to tilt ur face at certain angle to capture the nicest pose! Ahaha it ended up like this...

Good try though. The 2 pictures wid raised hands was cos he wanted to try taking a 'political' photo in preparation for the future if he were to become a politician! Haha

Look at who's the one not knowing how to pose now after imparting her skills?

Xiao Xiao stitch also wanna pose for the camera! Haha he's how adorable la!

We took a few more pics...

Ok fine... I know it's only all me cos jus now hock has a profile of his own already ma =P

My present...

Finally a bracelet that fits. Hock bought me an anklet during V'day last year (when we were not together yet) w/o knowing that it was an anklet! He was like happily cum proudly announcing that he bought me a choker! OMG! I nearly choked! It was damn funny! At tt time I wanted to tell him tt. "Thank you for thinking so highly of me but my neck is not so skinny" AHAHAHA very bad!~