Monday 10 Dec 07 Meet-ups!!!
Last day for me to catch up with people hence arranged to meet up wid Vi Ee, who helped me alot wid my design assignments =P
Met her for lunch at Novena (cos near her workplace)and gave her a treat at Curry Favor! The place is quite nice and the food is delicious too! Heard from Vi Ee that it just opened a week ago and she and her colleagues haven't had the chance to eat thr yet. Haha now she can "show off" to her colleagues!
I met HuiJie at ToaPayoh to get slping bag from him after tt. Really haf to thank him for making the effort to come all the way to pass me the much-needed slping bag for my trip! Ok la guess I haf to agree wid Stacy and JiaLin tt he's "Little Mr Nice"(the Little Ms Blah blah, u noe those tt appear on NUM tees?)
Rushed down to Cine to meet seeks to watch "Enchanted" together. Was wanting to watch tt since exam time. Haha Stacy was working, Elaine at school and Linda said she wanted to watch wid Kelvin so both of us met earlier to watch it! Light-hearted and bimbotic show. I liked it =D We went to buy stacy's very belated b'day present aft tt - crumpler bag and tried to hide it cos we'r having bimbos gathering aft tt and we wanted to surprise her. Our bimbo photos at Fish & Co. are wid Linda =( Boo dun tink will get it anytime soon =P She always nv upload de hmph! Anw, our surprise for stacy was really shocking for her ahaha She kept whining tt she haven got her present when every other of us whose b'day is much ltr haf alrdy got ours and kept wanting us to head to paragon aft dinner. Me-the-great of cos haf to "act" ahaha and I sorta "scolded" her and ask her to stop whining and tell her "crazy ah! We are at PS now go Paragon so far! Siao" =P Make her v sad then here comes part 2!
We gave her an ang bao and tell her to go get wadever tt she wan herself Then we told her tt cos economy now getting bad and we nd to reduce budget and ask her to chk her angbao to see if the amt is ok. The amt inside is quite little cos we used part of it to buy the bag alrdy. At first she thot thr's 2 $50 notes inside so she thot "ok la got $120 inside each person reduce budget $10". When she was abt to keep the angbo we told her to chk agn and she realised got only $70 inside then she exclaimed "WAH How come drop budget by so much!?" Then she showed super sian diao face. Yeah man =D Surprise Surprise for her, we took out the crumpler tt she had wanted and I die die muz say the line tt i prepared and rehearse (ahaha Elaine will noe wad i mean) "Aiya wan Crumpler bag travel so far to Paragon for wad? Down here got one also eh!"
Sunday 9 Dec 07 SK trip preparation, Dinner with Louis
Was raining really heavily tt morning hence was very late for the last preparation meeting for SK. After which was dinner at Vivo with Louis @ Sushi Teh. Got to eat all the good food b4 I set off to Cambodia! Wonder wad's in for me thr =P
Saturday 8 Dec 07 Wan Ping's Birthday Party
Went down really early wid seeks to help out in WP's party. The princess wasn't even thr yet!
The venue and the door gifts we helped prepare...
Her frenly neighbours and SaBo-ers wahaha we made her toast wid alot of her frens =P Does it explain her rosy face?
Some group shots...
The pretties =D
The Uni-frens table!
I kinda helped WP to arrange who to sit whr and helped host some guest wahaha did my part in PR for her party! =P The funniest part was her parents cos it was so pack tt thr was no more sits for her family, both of us saw tt her family members were "stranded" in the ballroom and both of us looked at each other wid the "oh no... no more sits how?" look at the same time! =D
Glad tt she had a great time! Happy 21st Birthday frenly neighbour n_n Hope all your wishes on your wishlist is fulfilled on this special day!
The e-invite which I designed specially for Ms Wong...
& door gift tags...
Friday 7 Dec 07 - Shifting out of hall, Unfrenly accident =(, Meet-up & supper wid fel,nel and vic
Moving stuff out of hall tt day. Shall cut short the episode abt the accident since it's already mentioned =P
Was feeling very drained after tt but decided to still go ahead to meet nelson and felicia + victor (he's random ahaha) cos I'll not be seeing them so soon!
Heh they all say tt my dark rings and eye bags are v obvious =( I'm hardworking wad =P
Fel left early to "meet" her "fren" ahaha yup so me vic and nel decided to head for some supper at
Yes dim sum @ Geylang =) 1st time thr ahaha v sua gu I noe, tt stupid victor keep suaning me. Their barley is served with those cling wrap containers ahaha very cute innovative idea!
As expected, being at Geylang, the topic of prostituion was discussed ahaha cos jus right beside us thr's this grp of China women with 2 old man.
Vic sent me home aft tt cos he's driving (i din noe he stopped riding) and I bugged him to drive thru lor 8 cos nel said the gers thr r the prettiest =P ahaha Hmmm nothing interesting, I tink it will only appeal to the "target audience" =P Had a nice chat wid Vic on our way home. Ahaha I wasn't really close to him even though we'r both from NUS and he knows hock (oh well, Hock was one of our common topic ahaha =P). We did share some stories abt ourselves and stuff so I guess it's still alrite... Will get him his earrings soon! =)