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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

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Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
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UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pictorial - Tioman! (16 - 18 June 2007)

Tioman Trip Pictorial (16 - 18 June 2007)

Day 1
My trip to tioman started from newton food centre! The van pick up is from there! Hock biked me there and parked his bike at the carpark overnight, anyway it's jus 2 nights. We first need to travel to the jetty at Mersing 1st.

On the van to Mersing...

It's a 3-hour drive so we took a 30min break to eat.

Mee & Bee Hoon goreng, curry puff for breakfast...

The cute kid using his hand to eat & the provision shop at the stopover...

After we reach Mersing, we need to take a ferry(RM35) from the jetty before we can reach Tioman Island. As the name suggest, it's an island so we need to take a ferry there! I was told that our chalet is the last stop as it is the furtherest away but the beach there is said to be cleaner and nicer!

Just before we board the ferry...

Took some photos in the ferry...

There was something wrong with my camera hence some shots came out like this:

I think this photo looks really nice =) gives the feeling of a faded memory...

This one too! Taken when we just reach the jetty of our chalet.

I prefer to call it chalet rather than resort! Cos i feel that resort is more luxurious =P Haha

Searching for our room...

Found it!

It was a real disappointment! As said, our 1st night will be spent in a non air-con room but I didn't expect the room to be in such a TERRIBLE condition! A pungent "decayed-wood" smell greeted us when we opened the doors(which got stuck midway and must be forced open)! The room is as big as a storeroom which I don't mind. The windows are those of the olden days that is made of wood and needs to be pushed outwards. I ok with that but not the gums stuck on it! Yucks! The worst part was:

OMG! It's worst than the toilet in the coffeeshop below my house!

Feeling very sad about the room, I threw a little tantrum at Hock. We went for a swim at the other end of the village as the beach directly outside our chalet was very rocky! I saw kayaks for rent and we decided to head back to our room to get some money but before kayaking, we needed to replenish our energy! Ahaha, shared a yummy ramily beef special burger(RM6-consist of 2 beef patties,egg and cheese) and had a teabreak at:

The food there sucks! Mini White house! We order banana pancake(RM3.50 damn ex) and carrot milk(RM3.50) dunno wad and everything was just tasteless! Waste of $ >=(

We kayaked for an hour, swim for another hour and went back to bath! We decided to pamper ourselves with a good dinner since we are already suffering for the night to slp in THAT room!!!

Fresh after bathing! Waiting for our food...

Too dark...

Tt's better...

Having some entertainment shots while waiting for our food...

Still patiently waiting...

We decided on this resturant that serves BBQ seafood and have tables by the seaside! We can choose our own seafood(all displayed at the metal tray, u noe those u see in the wet market?) and get them to bbq on the spot as they already haf everything set up! Their open-air seats are really just like 10metres away from the sea water! If there's a high tide the water will reach our feet! Haha we took out our slippers to feel the soft sand while savaging our dinner...

Yummy! The food was worth the wait! The chilli crab gravy was good(RM12), the pattaya rice was nice(RM6 or 8 can't rem), the garlic bread was delicious(RM3), the prawns were fresh(but very ex! 4 for RM12! We got cheated), the deep fried squid was tasty(RM8)! The banana split was alrite =)

Took a photo at the jetty...

We walked around and shopped at the village after the sumptuous feast. Booked a boat trip to other islands for snorkelling for the next day and it cost us RM55(for 3 islands) with lunch(which is a ramily burger!) and a bottle of mineral water. Ahaha we asked if we can haf 'special'(it's more ex cos normal only RM3) and they uncle was very kind to agree! Yeah! We wanted the 5 island package(RM70) but he said it muz be min 4 person =(

To our surprise, there was a pub there! Ahaha, was told that Salang Beach is more happening than elsewhere at night =) Luckily we came here! If not we would haf been bored to death!Heard that beer was really cheap there and so...

Yucks. I just dun like the taste of beer(RM5) cos it's so bitter and an overdose will cause a "beer belly". We tried a cocktail(RM13) called "malibu"! It taste really nice =)

Day 2
We woke up at 9 am for breakfast which was incl in the package! The breakfast sucks btw and set off for our boat trip to other islands which is to start at 10.30am! Guess wad? We were really lucky cos the uncle asked if we wanna change to the 5 island tour as he got enuff pple signing up. He even offered a discount price for each at RM65 which we thot was really great! for RM10 more we get to go to 2 more islands! =D he passed us our burgers and mineral waters, snorkelling mask and life jacket and we are all set to go! I didn't bring my cam along in case it drop into the sea! Ahaha

In summary:
the corals wasn't as great as those in Krabi!
a stupid fish mistook my pinky finger as bread and bit it :~(
I puked again cos of motion sickness! But i alrdy took the pills =( I hate puking! It's so disgusting and I feel very terribe after puking, feel like crying cos it makes me feel useless. The vomit is very smelly duH!

Ahaha the highlight of the day was this:

It is called the BumpHead Parrotfish! After we came back to Salang jetty, Hock and me decided to go snorkel further into the sea as we have the equipments with us. It was low tide then and the water level was only at our knee after we swam very far from the shore. We continued snorkelling further as the corals wasn't very nice closer to the shore! Suddenly, we snorkelled to a point where all the corals became colorful and "lively", which means it is alive =) It was a wow view but it was quite odd cos there was a patch of sand on the seabed. It appeared out of nowhere but is still surrounded by the nice corals. SUDDENLY... *tight grab on my hand and some struggle from hock* he tried to signal something to me but I can't understand him. So we stick our heads out of the water and removed our mask.

H: "我看到大鱼! 这么大的!" (with hand actions)
J: "哈! Then 怎么办? 我们快点游掉?"
H: "ok!"

Ya tt's it! Hock saw this humongous fish swimming beside me and thought that my life was in danger! Ahaha luckily I didn't see it, if not I will be scared! cos is isn't very good-looking...

Heard from lionel that it is harmless and can grow up to 1.3m! looks a bit like luohan fish haha and is sorta considered an endangered species wah~ not bad can see endangered animal!

YEAH~ after which, we checked into our new room! with aircon and much better toilets and dressing table and EVERYTHING!

More pics...


Here! Where?



Day 3

Some more pics before we leave to take the ferry...

Salang Beach Police Station:

It's quite a relaxing & cheap place to go to for a 3day2night (if u dun mind not-so-nice beaches and corals) but will get boring if you stay for too long...

A happy trip n_n