US and Japan pals
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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

Check this out!!!

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Christmas Island.

Nikoi Island.
Lombok Gilis.

Pulau Rawa.
Pulau Pemanggil.
Sibu Island.
Kota Kinabalu.

Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
Facial regimen set.
UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
Remove all keloids on me.


Mr Ng
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Pass it On!
Riverkids Project
ASIAN GEOgraphic
Stanley William Moore
The Bitter Stickgirl

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I have won!
My look alike!!!
Another Personality disclosure for Jizmine: Right...
Money kills the world...
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My Lousy Chinese
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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dragon Zakura

<<龙樱 Dragon Zakura>>

Haha I have just completed another Japanese drama =D This time round it's not a love drama nor is it by some famous pop star cast. Nevertheless, it is still a very good drama! It is about a group of students studying in the lowest-ranked high school in Japan and aspiring to pass the entrance exam for Tokyo University(one of the most prestigous university in Japan).

These are the students...

I dun understand why I can't find any pics with all the students inside. They seem to crop out all the pics of this guy!

Luckily I am hardworking enough to google for his pic myself! Hmph! He has quite alot of screen time, can be considered one of the lead actors, quite good looking also =P

The main lead actor is this guy! A mafia-turned-lawyer who had numerous brushes with law when he was young and had already known how the society out there is like. He knows the trick to survive in the dog-eat-dog world hence want to teach high school students to face the reality!

The main lead actress is this lady, haven seen her around in any of the jap dramas that I watch! The conventional caring yet boring(during lessons) teacher always being bullied by the mafia lawyer

The lady in blue is the principal of the lowest-ranked high school in Japan. She is super funny cos she is so "tai-tai" only interested to buy expensive stuff to make herself pretty and not at all interested to run the school! She will just weep and sob when people ask for her to make decisions as the director cos she din wan to be the director of the school. She had to take over cos her husband died. She will jus whine and whine about the same old story "If only my husband is around... I din wan to be the director...." The others are the incapable teachers who just wanna keep their rice bowl and not care about the future of the students.

The high school is facing a crisis as it is the lowest-ranked high school that only hopeless children goes to. That is to say students who graduate from this school are most likely to get a job right after they finish school. The jobs are normally "low-pay", "low-class" or "labour-intensive" jobs. In Singapore context, it is something like having an O'level cert with less than 6 passes.

That said, the number of students enrolling into the school is becoming lesser by the year hence the school is unable to substain itself as it is running out of funds soon. The story started with the principal engaging the lawyer to
1)settle the legal administrative matters for the school
2)provide a solution to save the school from closing down

These are the "special teachers" recruited by the lawyer to help those students pass their entrance exam to Todai!

Students of this special class were forced to wear a "STUPID" bandana on their heads if he/she performed the worst in the last test.

The class has only 6 students as not all pupils are interested to prepare for the exam. As said, most have already got the mentality that they will find a job right after they graduate from high school.

The students awaiting the announcement of the results...

In the end, 3 of them managed to get into Tokyo University. 2 did not pass and 1 missed a paper cos her mother was hospitalized.

It's really a nice show that I will recommend to others. It's different from GTO(which is also very nice!). This drama reminded me of my secondary school days when preparing for o'levels!

I remembered that...

one of my classmate's grandfather died and she had to rush to indonesia(book immediate flights and such) in the midst of her prelims. She was so stressed that she broke down just before e.maths paper and I felt really sorry for her.

alot of our teachers for different subjects offered extra remedial classes at their own expense for us! One of my most respected E.maths teacher Mr Eric Tan(I can still rem his name and face very clearly) even conducted evening/night classes until 10pm for those who are really weak in maths

all the teachers kept emphasizing the importance of O'levels as it will determine our future (i agree and disagree on that- I'm more to the agree side)

I was one of the top students in class cos i can score for almost all my subjects except ss/hist =P

i love t study geog cos it's very interesting!

my Maths is very strong which also explains why I am good in physics.

Chemistry was a breeze for me too cos i took combine science(phy/chem) HAhaha I'm an in-between! Cos if I were to take pure science, I wldn't do well cos it's too difficult but combine science is rather easy for me!

My standard of Chinese is very high as my foundation is very very strong all thanks to my primary school principal Mr Chen Jin Yuan(dunno if it's spelled like tt) Ahaha can still rem that he made me stay back to write a chinese phrase lossely translated as "bitter medication is effective for healing, disciplinary words are meant good for one's character"

I was the top in the whole school for accounts! Amazing isn't it? After I moved on to JC, I was called back by my secondary school teacher to receive a certificate for 1st in Accounts.

my classmates love to consult me with regards to studies =P *proud of myself face* and I enjoy sharing everything I know with them

I am always patient to teach but always afraid that I'll intimidate my classmates who are weak in the subjects that I am strong in. As u know, when you mention a lot of things which they dun understand or they dunno, they'll panick

I love basketball that time (now still =P) and will play if I've got free time. I even formed a basketball leisure team keke

Those were the days... Feeling nostalgic now... Wondering how's everyone doing...