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I have won!
My look alike!!!
Another Personality disclosure for Jizmine: Right...
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Monday, July 02, 2007


Just got back from Arts Camp 2007 last sat and sitting in the freaking cold office right now as I'm typing this! I'm getting really sick of work! Can't imagine that I'll have to work for the rest of my life in 1 year's time! Oh no... I don't wanna graduate =( If not, if not... Erm I don't mind being a Tai-tai after I graduate? I just don't wanna work *whine*

Anyway talking about Arts Camp, it's quite a mixed feeling which I can't really explain =P Hmmm initially when I was back in school during day 0, I had this very strong feeling of "displacement"...I dunno but I just feel really old and can't seem to get tuned to the frequency of the going-year-2 councilors. Haha kept complaining to Euming (my ogl who is also going on the year 3) that we are getting old... Hmmm on that night I thought to myself: it will change once I meet the freshies tmr!

Chong Han was as funny as ever! Slpt beside him on cardboard on day0 nite and he's really funny la! Wadever he says i'll just uncontrollably laugh! Really! I can still remember that I have liked him ever since when I first came to uni! It's not those romantically like but those "think he's very cute" kinda like! Indeed he is cute and he's Hock's best buddy too! =) Hmmm but i stop liking him already cos he slapped me on the bus back to EH from mini bash @ DXO! Ok although I know it's jokingly hit kind but I just dun like the feeling of being slapped on the face even if it's a joke (it's a little painful btw! =P)

One most embarassing moment of the camp was when I was announced to be the best female councilor of R house! I was like "WAD? Did u read the wrong name?" Cos seriously seriously! I am so ashame of myself throughout this camp! I put in the least effort tt I ever could! i overslpt for 2 mornings, I did not bother to rem all the freshie's names in my OG, i scolded one of the freshmen cos he refuse to learn the cheers properly, i didn't interact much with the freshies, i din act "chor lor" bimbo and funny for them! All inall, I just didn't give them wad they deserve yet I was the WAD? BEST councilor r u kidding me? Even so, I'm happy that Chong Han thinks so highly of me, i'm touched.

During the last day while watching the camp video, I can't explain ybut i just felt like gg for the nx camp to relive the memory =P Haiz... Humans are emotional creatures! I wrote a letter for Jeremy and XinYu(but very sad cos day 0 I cldn't find her and din pass to her until now! during camp she's toobusy or i dun haf it wif me) and I gave jeremy a RaRa(my OG name) tee cos i heard from Hock tt PDs are very lonely cos they got no house or og Ahaha

AH~~ I'm dying in office! The aircon is fresking cold and I'm having a bad flu! I felt really reluctant to wake up this morning for work and now I can't wait to get out of the office! How I wish I can be overseas now... Hmph! Toking abt overseas! The online travel agent still hasn't confirm my travel reservations with me! I'm so angry! It's only few more weeks before I'll see Benny in Hong Kong! Wah~ I miss HK...all the good food and cheap shooping =P Wong Wan Ping U better go and plan where we shd visit ok? keke >_<

And I'm getting excited abt my Hawaii trip already! The good news is that the company has decided to increase their budget for me to travel there! Yeah! Then i can worry less about accomodation and air tix! My sis and I haf decided to book a package(ard $2k nett each) I noe it's ex but i tink it's better as it's our 1st time thr and we do not really noe wad to do and whr to go! Booking a package save us alot of trouble bcos they will show us ard for 3 days and 1 day free and easy! Moreover, I checked that the air tix alone already cost like $1.4k! Hotels are like $200 per nite.

Another exciting point is that we have decided to visit Taiwan for 3 days during our return transit! Yeah! It's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone! Both of us had wanted to go visit taiwan for such a long time! Finally the opportunity is here =)

Hong Kong, Hawaii, Taiwan n_n What more can I ask for?