Thursday, July 12, 2007
Ladies, Women and the Society
I think most of you must have seen or heard about the news of a 55 year-old women not being issued free drinks at St. James on ladies night. How sad! WHY? It ain't nobody's fault that the society discriminates the elderly people and it ain't no nice being rejected. So how do we go about pleasing all? Answer: No way!
Admit it! You got pissed off by the inefficiency of old folks before!
Yeah, the sad truth is that there's no way! As long as men still pay for cover charges on ladies night, there's no end to people screaming "UNFAIR!"
I heard from my freinds that transvestites whose id still indicate Male as gender have to pay for cover charges too!
To make things worst, bouncers issue free drinks base on WHAT?! how the ger looks! Pretty - 5 drinks, Ugly - 1 drink! What's the theory behind this? U mean ugly gers drink less cos drinking makes one ugly and pretty gers can afford to be uglier cos they are pretty to start with? BULLSHIT! This is one unfair practice worst than sweatshops! Looks discrimination! Aha! Little Jizmine got her own bike licence bcos of this! If u din noe, guys with bike can only haf one pillion so if they need to choose a ger among a grp of gers to send home, U know how they choose? The chio gers will always get to hitch a ride while the not -so-chio ones, share cab lor! Damn!
But let's tink of it this way too! There's a saying that goes "There's no ugly women in the world, only lazy women" It is quite true! How people present themselves affects the opinion of others on them! With make-up and dressing-up, a plain Jane can be a Princess too! Really!
However, how do we deal with age? We can't cover it with make-up and neither can we afford botox that often. Do we just allow ourselves not to be issued free drinks then?
Hey Dennis, you gonna do something about this right? You did your part to legalise bar-top dancing! Do something for the old-ladies FOO!