Friday, October 12, 2007
Temasek Hall Block B Initiation (aka 1st Block Supper)
What is Ms Jizmine up to?
Me and Block Head
Jerome & ME!
THe Warriors!
Warriors? Wad's happening?
It's Initiation night for the freshmen in Temasek Hall!!! Ahaha
That's our blk B guy freshies. Male and female freshies have to exchange what they are wearing at that time! Which explains the funny dress sense =D
They are still happily taking photos w/o knowing what they are in for!
This is one gross game whereby freshies play musical chair blindfolded and seniors prepare a special gravy spread on the chair
This is "ter-kan" game at level 4 open balcony
Only ger seniors around =)
Game at level 4 continues...
Game Rules:
Game Master...
Oh my...
Look at wad tt fellow holding tt white cup is doing... She's adding more mayo tomato sauce to the Hall King's head!!! And no prize for gussing who's tt ger =P, yours truly
Net result:
Nicely done! Hope that the freshies enjoyed themselves and that they carry on the culture next year! Not forgetting to wash and return the tees they are wearing >_<
I had it last year already! Could still rem I jus had an operation to remove 4 wisdom tooth and the people didn't dare force anything weird down my throat in case there's infections to the wounds. Also, I happen to be wearing Skye's tee which was freaking smelly cos he jus came back from training! Can you imagine? YUCKS! *pukes*