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Da Belleza

Jasmine Ling

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Lombok Gilis.

Pulau Rawa.
Pulau Pemanggil.
Sibu Island.
Kota Kinabalu.

Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License.
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UV protective face cream.
LV Tambour Diving Lady Watch.
Volkswagen Beetle
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Mr Ng
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The Bitter Stickgirl

Of Yesterday
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Off To Hong Kong...
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My Disgusting Swollen Eyes
What has the world come to?
I can only say Sorry...
What is a SCORPIO Woman & a LIBRA Man?
My Sassy Girl
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Back to TH!

Yeah I'm happily (eh maybe not so happy cos thr's blasting Pirates music from quadrangle and it's getting on my nerves) typing on my lappy in B301. I've shifted almost everything I need to my room this afternoon with the help of my dad, mum, sis and eh Gabriel (ahaha he came in at the last leg i.e. from car porch to my room). ahaha Stacy was super funny cos she complained that I "used" too many people to assist in my shifting. Opps =P

Anw, I feeling really sian in the room now... Jus finished watching the 7pm drama on channel 8 cos i realised i haven watch it for sometime and i was hoping to catch Elvin Ng!!! He's super hot!

Get what I mean?

Actually I could have be more "sociable" and take up either

option 1: go bugis and meet up wid o'wk OG for dinner so tt I will get to know them better b4 o'wk tmr
option 2: join hall orientation (which explains the loud music) and get to know more pple in hall (and secretly hope that thr's a drop dead gorgeous hunk in my OG and I'll get to scandal with him =P opps jus some wild thots)

But but but lazy jizmine jus decide to stay put on her roller chair in B301! Yeah mayb it's because i feel "old"... Dun really haf the energy to join games and rara at orientation...Or maybe it's jus me? Cos all along I have been an aloof chap =P I'm serious!

Do miss last year's arts camp as an OGL... My energy level was ten thousand million times of now. Looking back, I really happy that I've given my best as an OGL and given my then-freshies a wonderful experience(or so i thot =P). Yup! I tink i've told alot of pple who asked me y i wanna be OGL or y i can be so blardy rara during camp. It's really v different from the normal me and pple who know me b4 camp was really shocked by my behaviour during camp ahaha it's another side of me! i shall leave it to your imagination. Nevertheless I still wanna say it once more =)

During my freshmen year, blurr and uncertain jizmine cldn't decide on her uni path and didn't know of orientation camps at all. She missed out on the most happening and as-an-arts-student-u-definitely-mus-join camp --- Arts Camp 2005. It was a small regret that I hold after I came to know about it and joined Arts Club. Moreover, Hock was the PD and I heard that he was very shuai then. Mayb it would have been me who fall in love with him 1st =P He also had the same regret that I wasn't thr to see him at his most handsome moments. Guess sometimes things jus ain't meant to be n_n. On top of that, it didn't help that I'm an introvert. Ok I know it's really difficult to imagine me-the-loudspeaker as an introvert but I really am one!

Luckily, Linda forced me to join O'wk that yr and I mus say i really enjoy it! It was a culture shock! Still remembered that at sentosa, the 1st game was to dip ourselves in the sea and collect as much seawater in a bottle as possible! I was shocked bcos I had nv tried playing dirty games b4! All those orientations I joined last time was jus on paper or concrete floor, no water, no flour, no detergent, no nothing!

My then-ogl Paul did a really great job and I was inspired by him and esp one moment which I can still clearly rem up to now --- On one of the mornings during O'wk, the whole camp was asked to collect their breakfast from the logistic pple at the forum. All of us were sitting at the stand steps at the forum and I could clearly see every freshie walking towards the collection point except for our OG! Cos Paul told us to stay put and he went to collect it for the whole OG! Woah i was really touched at the sight of him juggling a tray of 20 over milos and distributing them to us! We were sitting there and he was serving us while other freshis had to queue for their own food =) This one really touched me and I thot to myself at that time "if I were to be an OGL, I muz b like Paul! A very caring OGL!"

And I did! One year later, I took on tt role and got Paul back to assist me as an AOGL! Ahaha he is super bad! Cos he confessed to me during the last day of Arts Camp 2006 that initially when i asked him to be my AOGL, he thot tt he's gonna die for sure and "pick up shit"(say in Hokkien) for me. Cos his idea of me still remained at the freshie stage - very blurr, gong, dunno wad's happening and always in need of help! But that camp totally changed his opinion of me! He said he was impressed by my performance. Haha =P *proud of myself face to be praised by OGL*

Well, in the end my og was one of the few OGs that contributed alot to rag. Alot of pple went down to help out last year. One of them is now the dance head for rag dance this year. 3 of my freshies eventually was elected into 27th Arts Club Management Committee last yr. One of my freshie have become my close fren in hall and he's really funny and lovable!

Looking at my freshies doing well now makes me really contented =) Really... bcos it means that I was thr to help them start off on the right footing when they 1st step into NUS. I'm not trying to praise myself here but tink abt it, wld u haf so much passion for ur faculty if ur orientation camp sucks? I bet not!